Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Helloooo! These first posts are always so so awkward so I'll just introduce myself and my blog and what not...
My name is Jordan Dakota Nixon and I'm 16 years old. I'm from just outside of Newcastle in the UK. I enjoy cooking/baking, dancing and drinking tea.
I made this blog to give me something to do really but basically it's to document my life and things I like. Mainly it'll be fashion and beauty related but there'll also be posts about health and my recovery from anorexia nervosa. 
If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to email me at jordandakotaxx@hotmail.co.uk, follow me on twitter @jordandnixon or follow me on instagram @jordandakotax - I also have an instagram for my recovery so if you'd like to follow me on that, too, then DM me on my personal one and just ask for it! I'll try post as much as possible :)

Jordan x

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