Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year, New Beginnings

I honestly can't believe it's almost 2015! Seriously, where has the time gone? But, a new year requires a fresh start. So, if you like my Facebook page (find it here), you'd know that I was due to announce some news today and here it is. Yesterday, I made the decision to become completely dedicated to this blog, which meant I needed to make a few changes. So, I bought a domain name. On the 1st January 2015, this site will no longer be jordandakotaa.blogspot.co.uk but it will be stylespice.co.uk

Eeeeek, this is so exciting for me. It took me forever to come up with a name but I'm glad I've made that jump and my blog will finally have its own domain. Along with the new name, the site will be completely revamped with a fresh, new look. I can't wait for you all to see it!

The site should be completely finished and will be launched by the 2nd January at the latest. Until then, I wish you all the best for 2015.

Like my Facebook page for updates on the site: https://www.facebook.com/jordandakotaablog

Jordan x

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